buy KIU diploma

Kampala International University fake diploma, buy fake KIU degree certificate

Buy Kampala International University fake degree certificate. fake Kampala International University diploma. KIU maintains a third campus, the KIU Dar es Salaam Constituent College, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. buy fake diploma. The School of Health Sciences is located on the western campus. The school is one of Uganda’s seven medical schools, and it was the first privately owned medical school in the country. The school offers programmes in medicine, dentistry, nursing, medical laboratory technology, education, business, and management and information technology. The school has a teaching hospital with a bed capacity of 1,200. buy fake diploma certificate.
Fake KIU diploma. buy KIU fake degree. At the end of the investigation in November 2013, NCHE declared that the PhDs were fake university diploma and degree certificate.